A new year. A new beginning. New beginnings are always great to discover and explore. This last year we discovered a wonderful jam made by a friend of a friend (the best way to new discoveries) who picks organic peaches at Mas Masumoto's family farm to make her Elberta peach jam. It tastes so wonderful. Mas Masumoto is not only a farmer, he also is a writer. His book, "Epitaph for a Peach," is a good read about his experiences through the seasons on his farm growing and harvesting his organic peaches. He has a wonderful website that gives information on his orchard, his family, experiences farming, and his "literary" farm. http://www.masumoto.com/
As we begin a new year, I wish you new wonders and blessings along the way. I welcome to hear about your discoveries and new journeys throughout the year.